by ameliadreiser | Jun 13, 2013 | Careers, Degree Programs
Civil engineers design and oversee the construction of public projects such as roads, buildings, and bridges. They insure that building sites are safe for people, and the energy and water consumed is acceptable. Within the career, however, there are multiple sects and...
by ameliadreiser | Jun 10, 2013 | Careers, College Tips, Degree Programs
Teachers are an influential part of society that can severely affect dozens of children’s lives. They teach life lessons and give their students an education that will shape their entire futures. Constantly Learning History, English and science are continually...
by ameliadreiser | Jun 10, 2013 | Careers, College Tips
Proofreading an assignment can make the difference between an A and a B. It can demonstrate to an employer your attention to detail and need for perfection. What you may not know is how to go about becoming a successful editor. Work from a Hard Copy Reading your work...
by ameliadreiser | May 21, 2013 | Careers, College Tips, Degree Programs
Real estate is a self-fulfilling career that has experienced a dramatic climb in the past few months. The workers make their own hours while interacting personally with an array of individuals. There are a variety of different fields within real estate that are...
by ameliadreiser | May 5, 2013 | Careers, College Tips, Degree Programs
Nursing is a growing field full of dedicated and caring people who comfort those in need and help save lives. It is a rewarding career for those interested in helping people both physically and emotionally, and courses are available all over the world. Degrees for...
by ameliadreiser | Apr 19, 2013 | Careers, College Tips, Degree Programs
Being a clear and proficient communicator or writer can be invaluable in the work force, a fact that is often forgotten when deciding a major. The career opportunities for English majors are unbelievably broad. Teacher/Professor Perhaps the most obvious and...