Whether you are an inspiring novelist or a student just trying to finish a term paper, writer’s block is a real and immensely frustrating thing. By figuring out which methods work to reduce this irritation, you can cut down time on an assignment or story.


 Take a Break

Trying to fight writer’s block while staring at a computer screen full of glaring words, is nearly impossible. Sometimes the best method to fix it is to stop what you are doing and let your mind relax. If it is a nice day, go out for a walk. Drive to the grocery store and pick up a few items you need for later. By taking care of a mundane task or two your brain will be less cluttered, therefore, leaving room for your creative flow. Simply having a nice and quiet meal somewhere different will relieve a lot of pent up stress. If you find yourself frustrated, working out is a definite possibility. Running a few miles or hitting a punching bag will help settle your nerves and leave you focused and relaxed.

 Create Your Own Quiz

 Often with writer’s block, you may just lose track of where you were going with the story. Sometimes the best way to figure out what you want to say is by asking yourself. You should begin by writing a series of questions that, when answered, will explain what you are going for. They can be in-depth, such as traits of each character. They can be specific, like explaining the exact feeling you want to portray. They can be broad, such as the point to the story as a whole. By utilizing these questions, your mind won’t get too far off track in the flow of things. When you hit a writer’s block, you can go back and see if you have fully answered the questions you provided. If not, you have a layout as to what you want to say next.


For those more right brain centered, having a visual layout of what you want to say can be a huge help. By creating some form of a diagram, you can clearly see what is meant to be explained when. Then you can tell if your writing correctly portrays that. Having a set diagram before you begin will insure a rough layout from start to finish. If you find yourself with writer’s block, it is incredibly helpful to take a break from a mass of words and letters, and look at a visual layout of it. The diagram will help you situate your thoughts and allow you to get back to work.

 Bounce Ideas off Another

If you have another knowledgeable person around, they can be a huge help when suffering from writer’s block. You can talk to them about what you have written so far and what you still need to write. They may have advice on how to approach situations and you can go back and forth with ideas. Having two heads brainstorming is always more productive than one and they may give you an idea or two on how to continue. You can always have them read over what you have already written to see if you need to explain something more fully or if they can see another path to be taken in the writing to come.

 Change Your Scenery

Sitting in the same room, staring at the same computer screen for hours on end can lead to a serious case of writer’s block. Changing the atmosphere and setting that you are in will give your brain a fresh look of where you are and hopefully your writing. Lighting and temperature can severely influence your attitude, which is usually exemplified in your work. By changing your location from a dim, cool room to a bright and sunny park bench, your entire outlook on the work may be different. Working outside may be less stressful because there are no feelings of claustrophobia attached, although there may be significantly more distractions. Flipping back and forth between the two will give you a good sense of both and may help your writer’s block drastically.


There are a variety of small things that, when added together, can eliminate writer’s block. There are ways to prevent it as well as get rid of it. Why sit idly staring at a computer screen or piece of paper when you can finish your work quickly and get on with the next project.