Careers in the health services are some of the highest paying in the world. As our knowledge of medicine and biomedical engineering increases, the dominance and dependency on respectable personal is becoming a huge issue.
Anesthesiologists monitor and manage the distribution of anesthesia. It is a complex and life affecting process that requires a delicate attention to detail. During their patient’s surgeries, they observe heart rates and blood pressure to insure they remain unconscious but safe during the procedure. Post surgery, they will observe each patient for an allergic reaction or heart irregularity. They alone can diagnose medical problems resulting from the anesthesia and will continue observations until the patients are on the mend. Anesthesiologists are required to have a full medical history of their patients and must cater their doses from it. The average annual salary for an anesthesiologist is $233,000 and the career is expected to grow by 24% in the next five years.
Obstetricians are utilized in the female side of medicine. They work to prevent diseases, disorders, and observe and care for a woman while she goes through the processes of carrying and birthing a baby. They focus on potential cervical cancers and how to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Obstetricians participate in the correction of hormone imbalances and will work with infertile women to see them through their conception and pregnancy. They are most known for birthing babies and the mothers will have thorough and detailed meetings prior, to explain exactly what they want out of the delivery. Because a labor can begin at anytime, obstetricians work irregular hours. Obstetricians are experts on all things babies and will do their best to make the birthing process aa smooth and painless as possible. Their average salary is $215,000 and the career is expected to grow by 20% over the next five years.
Surgeons preform a series of constructive or preventative surgeries that differ from specialty to specialty. Some work specifically in orthopedic surgery, which involves correcting the muscular skeleton. These surgeons will fix broken bones, torn ligaments, and damaged tissue. There are also neurological surgeons who focus on the brain and nervous system. Still others have no focus at all and are able to participate in any surgery. Regardless of the type of surgery, each surgeon is extremely knowledgeable of all the workings within the body. They understand that the slightest movement can be the difference between life and death, so they have an incredibly steady hand. Surgeons work with nurses, anesthesiologists, and other professionals within the same field. It is common to see two or three surgeons working on the same person, at the same time. The average salary for a surgeon is $166,000 per year and the job is expected to grow by 24% over the next few years.
Dentists are solely in charge of the oral side of the medical field. They repair cracked and rotted, as well as caring for the gums and jaw. They will oversee the cleaning of a client and then look for cavities or signs of infection. Depending on the severity of the client, they may participate in corrective surgeries while the patient is under anesthesia. Dentists can prescribe antibiotics and can personally distribute anesthetics and numbing medicine before beginning their work. They will remove and replace teeth as necessary and take x-rays of the surrounding areas to check for internal damage. Dentists are interactive with their patients. They explain the benefits and costs of cleanings, teeth whitening, and dental devices used for straightening teeth. Their average salary is $147,000 per year and the career is expected to increase by 21% by 2020.
Medical careers are a constantly growing field that host many of the highest paying jobs in the world. For those with an interest in the workings of the body and who love helping people, this will be a rewarding career both monetary and personally.
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