by ameliadreiser | Aug 21, 2022 | Careers, College Tips, Degree Programs
Social workers are an influential group of people with a determination to instigate change in others. They are involved with every ethnic group, age, and gender and work to make their lives a little bit easier. The field of social work has a variety of career...
by ameliadreiser | Feb 12, 2021 | Careers
Deciding what to do after four years in college is a decision that can potentially affect your entire future. Attending law school gives you the opportunity to succeed in the real world and create a respectable name. Even if you have not decided exactly what you want...
by ameliadreiser | Oct 15, 2013 | Careers, Degree Programs
If you are torn between entering the education and law field as a career, you should look into becoming an Education Lawyer. It is an interesting and rewarding career that gives its employees an opportunity to work on a federal or state level to shape the education...
by ameliadreiser | Sep 8, 2013 | Careers, Degree Programs
Many public and preforming arts schools, across the country, offer a series of music related majors. There are many careers that do not require the uncertainty of a professional musician but still give their members the satisfaction of taking part in an activity they...
by ameliadreiser | Aug 29, 2013 | Careers, College Tips, Degree Programs
Computer science is a growing major across the world. It is the result of an explosion in knowledge of and demand for computer technologies. There are multiple careers that stem from this major that are both interesting and monetarily rewarding. Information...
by ameliadreiser | Aug 24, 2013 | Careers, Degree Programs
Nursing is a respectable occupation that ranges across the entire medical profession. Nurses are needed to explain what is going on and make patients comfortable before any medical procedures. Primary Care Nurse Primary care nurses work with patients and physicians to...